Perfect, I don't see problem. No cookies, no Ads.
@nixCraft Why the overhead of a browser? Just use `curl`
@nixCraft I came to give encouragement on the economical use of front-end elements, I wasn't expecting to be attacked by a meme like this!
Probably doesn't have any accessibility issues either. Unironically better than many "modern" UIs
@nixCraft @amyengineer and I can use curl or lynx to cleanly read the page. Hell yeah.
@nixCraft Nice but I would prefer something like this in terminal
sudo apt install weather
weather paris
Now I need to Google if something like this already exists..
Just the facts, Ma’am.
@nixCraft Close to perfect I‘d say — let‘s ask them to provide such a frontend for every application!!
Works great in textmode browsers. Disabled people have no problem using it with their screen readers. Bandwidth saving. Etc.
Why can‘t all devs deliver such great simplistic UI?
@nixCraft As a webmaster I frequently have to wear both hats. I always start with the functionality. My clients are forever asking, is this really what it's gonna look like? 😅